Free Flight Learning Center
Free Flight's Learning Center Programs educate the public about the specialized needs of companion birds AND are specialized to the unique group of learners.
When we host an event, we educate our participants about the incredibly diverse parrot species living among us, and focus on topics such as their care, feeding, behaviors, unique adaptations and ways we can all support global conservation efforts.
Free Flight offers educational programming both onsite at the sanctuary, offsite (at schools, senior centers, libraries, museums, scout troop meetings, birthday parties, corporate events, you name it!), and virtually (by special request). We tailor each program to meet the unique needs, interests, and age range of the anticipated participants.
Our unique tropical outdoor setting located in Del Mar allows parrots and people to interact. Just like most of us, birds thrive on human attention. While at Free Flight you can enjoy the opportunity to meet the birds up close and learn about them from our Free Flight staff and docents.
Learn new skills while having fun with the birds.
Enjoy socializing with the patrons and the parrots.
Community events increase parrot awareness.