Yellow-naped Amazon
Current Status: Permanent Resident
Hatch Date: 1989
Sex: Male
Offering perfectly timed comedic remarks that frequently lead keepers to question if birds are even real
Traveling and meeting new people
Butter (seriously, he NEVER stops talking about it) and anything it goes on, but especially toast
Asking if you’d like “a little scratch,” but really meaning that you should be giving him one
Fad diets and gluten-free options
Keepers "ruining" his favorite treats by covering them in milk-thistle (we try to tell him it helps his fatty liver disease, but he remains disgruntled about the defilement of perfectly good snacks)
Toby is lovingly co-sponsored by Michael Mott, Larry & Kathi Goodman, Annie Trembley, and Melissa Kling.
Want to sponsor a bird? Click here!