

Yellow-naped Amazon

Current Status: Permanent Resident

Hatch Date: 1989

Sex: Male


  • Offering perfectly timed comedic remarks that frequently lead keepers to question if birds are even real

  • Traveling and meeting new people

  • Butter (seriously, he NEVER stops talking about it) and anything it goes on, but especially toast

  • Asking if you’d like “a little scratch,” but really meaning that you should be giving him one


  • Fad diets and gluten-free options

  • Keepers "ruining" his favorite treats by covering them in milk-thistle (we try to tell him it helps his fatty liver disease, but he remains disgruntled about the defilement of perfectly good snacks)

Toby is lovingly co-sponsored by Michael Mott, and Larry & Kathi Goodman.
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